Sindhi Alphabet or Vocabulary

The  Sindhi  alphabet  has  52  letters,the most noticeable among these are the implosive b( ), j( ), g( ), d(  ) and the nasals n( ), ng(ŋ) and nj( ).(Bughio: 2001: 25) 

The  vocabulary  of  Sindhi  is  rich  and copious.  One  of  the  reasons  is  the  extensive linguistic contact of Sindhi with a great number of  languages  of  the  East  and  the West.  Right from the language of Mohenjodaro (1) with undeciphered script, to Old Prakrit, Sanskrit, Pali, Dardic languages,  Persian,  Arabic,  Turkish, Greek,  Portuguese,  Hindustani  and  English, the Sindhi language has borrowed loan words and has shared its own treasure of vocabulary with other languages. 

In  Captain  Stack’s  Devanagari  Script ‘Kosh’  (dictionary)  published  in  1849  A.D.,  a total  of 20,000  words  of  Sindhi  are  enlisted. 
They are classified as: 
12,000  words  of  Sanskrit  (Pali  and  Prakrit 
words apart). 
3,500 words of Desi (Pure Sindhi vocabulary). 
2,500 words of Arabic. 
2,000 words of Persian. 
According  to  the  computation  worked out  by  Dr  Mansukhani,  there  are  said  to  be more  than 150,000  words  (with  inclusion  of Hindi, Urdu, Turkish, Portuguese and English) that Sindhi can boast of (Khilnani: 1959) 

There  have  been  great  many  additions to  the  original  vocabulary  of  the  Sindhi language by the Classical poets, particularly by Shah  Abdul  Latif  Bhitai,  the  greatest  poet  of Sindhi  language. He  has  documented  the dialects  of  all  different  regions  of  Sindh including Kohistan, Thar, Indus Delta, Kaachho and  Kacho  to  enrich  the  language,  and  has blessed  the  language  with  a  vast morphological  treasure.  The  vocabulary  of Sindhi  is  further  enhanced  by  virtue  of  its interaction with Sanskrit, Pali, Persian, Arabic, English, Urdu and other languages. 


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